This website shows all expenses paid through each of the IHL's (universities, medical center and System Office) vendor systems or with state-approved procurement cards. These expenses can be searched by reporting period and/or by payee. IHL transactions will be made available on this site effective FY 2013 or for the period July 1, 2012 forward. In order to make this information available, each University, the Medical Center and System Office, must go through a scheduled closing process to upload this data to this website. This process is scheduled at different times for each. A few universities may update this information daily, while the majority of the universities will wait until the month ends before doing so. It may take up to a maximum of two weeks into the following month in order to have the previous month's transactions available. For example, most of our universities will have transactions processed in the month of July 2012 uploaded for viewing by August 14, 2012. Generally, all transactions for a given month or reporting period will be available approximately two weeks after the previous month-end.
Spending by Reporting Period
Spending by Payee
All data
1.Transaction Date | 2.Payee | 3.Payee Address | 4.Account/ Object Code Description | 5.Payment Amount | 6.Fund Type | 7.Department Name | 8.Function | 9.Document Number (control#) |