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Accountability & Transparency
Mississippi Public Universities Accountability and Transparency
  1. Transaction Date: The date in which the transaction was processed in the vendor system.
  2. Payee: Name of the payee, i.e. company-vendor, individual, or employee. IHL system employees may be considered payees if they received a reimbursement processed in the vendor system such as for travel costs.
  3. Payee Address: City/State to which the payment was issued.
  4. Account/Object Code Description: Identification of the type or classification of the payment using IHL standard spending categories, i.e. travel, services, commodities, i.e. supplies/tangibles, and equipment.
  5. Payment Amount: Amount of payment.
  6. Fund Type: IHL expenses will be categorized into three major groupings: i) General, ii) Restricted, and iii) Other.
    1. General: Current funds budgeted for University operations that includes state appropriated funds and self-generated funds including but not limited to tuition revenue.
    2. Restricted: Funds that have been limited or restricted for a specified use by an entity outside of the IHL or the governing board, i.e. externally funded grants and contracts.
    3. Other: Self-generated funds including but not limited to those generated by room and board, textbook, and athletics. May also include funds designated for specific IHL internal use.
  7. Department Name: Name of the IHL department that initiated the transaction.
  8. Function: University operational activity that the transaction or payment benefits. Functions include: Instruction, Research, Public Service, Academic Service/Support, Student Services, Institutional Support, Operation and Maintenance of Plant, Auxiliaries and Hospitals.
  9. Document Number (Control #): IHL's internal reference number for a specific transaction.
1.Transaction Date 2.Payee 3.Payee Address 4.Account/ Object Code Description 5.Payment Amount 6.Fund Type 7.Department Name 8.Function 9.Document Number (control#)