IHL Serves State by Administering Student Financial Aid The Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid, which operates under the governance of the IHL Board, serves the state and the students of the state by administering the state-funded financial aid programs including grants, scholarships, and loans. Although the state financial aid programs are administered by IHL and included in IHL's annual state appropriation, the funds benefit not just the students at Mississippi's public universities, but also the students at the state's two-year and private institutions. In fiscal year 2006, the Office of Student Financial Aid awarded nearly $27.6 million in state funds to students through the Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant, the Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant, the Higher Education Legislative Plan, the Critical Needs Alternate Route/Teacher Loan Scholarship, and the William Winter Teacher Scholar Loan. Of the money distributed, approximately 68 percent went to students at public universities, 16 percent went to students at public two-year colleges, and 16 percent went to students at private colleges and universities or to Mississippi students at out-of-state institutions who are pursuing degrees not offered in Mississippi, such as optometry, chiropractic, podiatry, and osteopathic medicine. An additional $5 million was distributed through a number of smaller loan or scholarship programs. Due to the successful outreach efforts of the Office of Student Financial Aid, the applicant pool for state aid has increased more than 5 percent this year. To learn more about student financial aid in Mississippi, contact Mary Jane Covington at (601) 432-6791.
| Population Changes Focus of October Mississippi's Business The October issue of Mississippi's Business has been released by the Economics Department of the IHL Office of Policy Research and Planning. The issue, which can be accessed online as a PDF, includes an analysis of population changes that have occurred in Mississippi between the 2000 decennial census and 2006. Senior Demographer Dr. Barbara J. Logue reports modest population gains of 2.3 percent for the state, which continues to have more outmigrants than inmigrants. Of Mississippi's 82 counties, 46 lost population, 35 gained, and one was unchanged. DeSoto County in north Mississippi experienced a 35 percent increase in population, the largest increase in the state. Lamar, Madison, Pearl River, and Rankin Counties also experienced population increases ranging from 17 to 18 percent. The largest population decrease occurred in Issaquena County, which lost 20.6 percent of its population. Eight other Delta counties also experienced population losses ranging from 5 to 9.9 percent. Mississippi's Business also provides an overview of the state's economic situation as indicated by the leading and coincident indexes. Read Mississippi's Business.
| #8 - University Graduates More Likely to Vote, Be Understanding (Top 15 Ways Universities Benefit Mississippi) Universities benefit Mississippi by producing graduates who are more likely to vote and to be open to differing opinions of others. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in the 2004 presidential election, for every age group, people with higher levels of education voted at higher rates than their peers with less education. Among eligible voters ages 25-44, 76 percent of people with bachelor's degrees voted, compared to only 49 percent of high school graduates. According to a 2004 survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center, 79 percent of adults with advanced degrees and 73 percent of those with bachelor's degrees believed it was very important (6 or 7 on a scale ranging from 1 to 7) to try to understand the reasoning behind the opinions of others, compared to 64 percent of high school graduates.
| #7 - University Graduates More Involved in Their Communities (Top 15 Ways Universities Benefit Mississippi) University graduates also contribute to the state by volunteering in their communities and giving blood. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2006, about 27 percent of adults volunteered their time with an organization. Approximately 43 percent of college graduates volunteered an average of 55 hours, whereas high school graduates were less than half as likely to volunteer. Only 19 percent of high school graduates volunteered, but those who did volunteered an average of 52 hours. College graduates were also more likely to donate blood. In a 2005 National Health Interview Survey, researchers found that 9 percent of college graduates reported having given blood in the past year, compared to 4 percent of high school graduates.
Because the System Review will not run the week of Thanksgiving, we are bringing you two articles from our Top 15 series this week in order to complete the series by Friday, December 14.
| |  Items included in the “University News” section of the System Review are submitted each week by the universities. The news items are listed in rotating alphabetical order by university. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST NEWS U.S. Diplomacy Topic of New Book by Southern Miss Professor Dr. Tom Lansford, assistant dean for the College of Arts and Letters and associate professor of political science at The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast, has written a general reference book about U.S. diplomacy since the Cold War. The book, titled The Historical Dictionary of U.S. Diplomacy Since the Cold War, is Lansford’s 22nd book that he has either authored, co-authored, edited, or co-edited. Lansford describes this book as an encyclopedic work that looks at U.S. foreign policy from the end of the Cold War to today. “This book involves current issues in that it looks at events that have happened more recently, including the 'war on terror,' Sept. 11, and the invasion of Iraq,” said Lansford, who has been working on the book for over two years. “The Historical Dictionary of U.S. Diplomacy Since the Cold War is a concise overview of the main figures, conflicts, events, and policies of the United States in the post-Cold War era,” states Scarecrow Press-Rowman Littlefield, the publisher of the book. “Through its entries, the book analyzes the underlying themes of U.S. diplomacy and the new policies formulated and implemented in response to broad changes in global politics.” Learn more. Tourism Management Students to Get Star Treatment at Hard Rock ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS Coach McGowan Inducted Into McComb High School’s Alumni Hall of Fame Alcorn State University Head Baseball Coach Willie E. McGowan was inducted into McComb High School’s Alumni Hall of Fame. Coach McGowan will be a part of the high school’s homecoming parade along with the other inductees to the Hall of Fame on November 1, 2007. The Alcorn family and McComb High School are very proud of Coach McGowan’s continued success in his profession. Congratulations to Coach McGowan for the recognition of his many years of service to young people and to the field of education! Learn more. Let’s Go Walkin’ ASU” DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS Delta State Homecoming Activities Set for Friday, Oct. 26 Delta State University’s annual Homecoming celebration is set, and excitement is building on campus and among alumni. “Homecoming is always such an exciting time of year,” Vicki Fioranelli, alumni director at Delta State, boasted. “This year we are ‘Honoring Veterans’ as our theme, and we expect that to bring back so many folks to campus. Homecoming is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with the campus, with old classmates, and with new students. There is so much planned for the weekend with ample places and events to find those connections.” Mary Ellen Leftwich, a 1939 graduate who has missed only one Delta State Homecoming in 68 years, believes in those connections. The Gunnison resident explains, “Delta State means a whole lot to me and I enjoy coming back to see old friends and new friends. I look forward to Homecoming and all of the activities associated with the weekend each year.” Some of the many events planned for Homecoming 2007 are the Downtown Merchant Window Display Competition and the Golden Circle Inductions (Classes of 1928-57), which begin at 6 p.m. at the Catholic Church Fellowship Hall. Both events take place on Friday, Oct. 26. On Saturday, Oct. 27, Homecoming registration starts at 8:30 a.m. on the first floor of the H.L. Nowell Union; at 11 a.m. the Preview Ceremony for the Veterans’ Memorial Atrium in Jobe Hall will be held; and starting at noon activities begin at Statesmen Park. The weekend will conclude with the football game at 4 p.m. Learn more. Direct from Broadway Comes the Red Hot National Tour of "Ring of Fire" Delta State Partners to Present First-Ever Mississippi Delta Children's Arts & Letters Festival Lady Statesmen Picked to Claim Third-Straight Gulf South Conference Crown JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS JSU Establishes Data and Technology Coordinating Center Jackson State University is among eight institutions in the country that has been awarded funds to establish a national translational research network that will focus on addressing health disparities in minority and underserved communities. The National Center for Research Resources, a part of the National Institutes of Health, has awarded a three-year, $9.5 million grant to establish the Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) Translational Research Network. Jackson State, a network member institution, received nearly $5 million of the funds to establish a state-of-the-art Data and Technology Coordinating Center, or DTCC, at the Mississippi e-Center @ JSU. Jackson State will maintain the network's computer-based integration and communication system. "The RCMI Translational Research Network represents a ground-breaking effort to integrate clinical, biomedical, and behavioral researchers with others in the network who have interest and expertise in health policy and advocacy into a geographic and ethnically diverse research partnership," said James Perkins, co-principal of the network and director of the DTCC. Learn more. Jackson State Accepts Applications for New Master’s Education Program Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry to Speak at Jackson State Searcy Receives Crown in International Style JSU Student Hopes to Sing His Way to BET MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS MSU Fulbright Scholar Headed for Thailand, Cambodia A Mississippi State administrator soon will spend five weeks in Southeast Asia representing the United States and the university as a J. William Fulbright Senior Specialist scholar. Stephen Cottrell, assistant director in the university's Office of International Services, will be traveling during December to Northern Thailand and Cambodia. In Thailand, he will collaborate on several projects at Maejo University. At Maejo, he will work with administrators, faculty members, and students at the nation's oldest agricultural institution of higher learning. He also will be meeting with students and members of local and hill tribes in the region. Learn more. Noted Psychologist, Author Steven Pinker to Speak at MSU Severe Weather Tests MSU's Maroon Alert System MSU Contributes to 'Dynamic Women of Mississippi' List Riley Center 2007-08 Performing Arts Season Under Way MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY & VETERINARY MEDICINE NEWS MSU Lab Studies Wood Protection Wood products contribute $4.3 million to the Mississippi economy, but weather, insects, and other destructive elements destroy one-tenth of the forest products produced each year. Wood preservatives are used to protect against losses, but there are environmental issues and toxicity problems associated with these products. An endowment in Mississippi State University’s Forest and Wildlife Research Center is assisting with the process of developing eco-friendly wood preservatives. Funded by a land gift from Harold C. and Claire Lucas, the endowment has been used to establish the Lucas Laboratory for Advanced Biodeterioration Research. Biodeterioration, the natural processes of microorganism activity in wood, often results in what is commonly referred to as wood decay or rot. “The vision for the laboratory is to be a leading force in the development of environmentally friendly methods for understanding and controlling the biodeterioration of wood products,” said Darrel Nicholas, co-director and professor in forest products. “The Lucas Laboratory will use a team approach involving other MSU departments, industry, universities and federal labs to improve methods for preserving wood.” Harold Lucas worked in the wood-preserving industry for many years. As executive vice president of the American Creosote Co., he became familiar with MSU’s work in wood preservation. Learn more. MSU Weather Station Marks 125 Years of Service MSU Extension's New Reality Program Educates Early Childhood Teachers MSU Scientists Fight Costly Cotton Pests with Complex Solutions MSU Trains Landscape and Nursery Professionals MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN NEWS MUW Theatre Department to Perform 'Wit' Mississippi University for Women’s Department of Theater will present Margaret Edson’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play Wit, starting Thursday, Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m. The Friday and Saturday performances will also be held at 7:30 p.m. with a 2 p.m. matinee on Sunday. All performances will be held in the Cromwell Theatre in the Cromwell Communications Building. Written in 1993, the play revolves around an English Literature professor and John Donne scholar named Vivian Bearing, who must face a traumatic circumstance in her later life. “By and large, this is not only the most important production I’ve been involved with, but also the most important script I’ve read to date. It is urgent, relevant, and poignant material that is cathartic not only for a performer, but an audience as well,” said theatre major Aja Wilson, who plays the role of Vivian. Admission for the MUW performances of Wit is $5 for students, $7 for general advanced, and $10 at the door. Tickets can be purchased in Shattuck Hall on the MUW campus. Learn more. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS Mississippi Valley State University Online www.mvsu.edu UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI NEWS University Formally Launches $200 Million MomentUM Campaign A $200 million capital campaign, designed to continue the momentum generated by the University of Mississippi in the last decade, was formally launched Oct. 19 in a public announcement. MomentUM: A Campaign for The University of Mississippi has already attracted $160.7 million in private gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations. During the “quiet phase” of the campaign, which began in January 2005, more than 39,200 people have contributed or made pledges. The funds are to help complete a cancer center at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, build a new law school and residential colleges on the Oxford campus, build a new basketball practice facility, increase funding for scholarships and academic enrichment, modernize classrooms in all schools and colleges, and boost the university’s endowment. “Private funding will provide the margin of excellence we are relentlessly pursuing,” Chancellor Robert Khayat said. “Our alumni and friends are happy to invest in the university and continue our momentum.” The public phase of the campaign, which runs through December 2008, kicked off with the announcement of a $5.3 million gift to create a new School of Journalism at Ole Miss. (Multimedia news release contains a theme song, video, photos, and stories.) Learn more. Education School Becomes First Higher Ed Member of National Help Group New York Festival Names UM Producer 'Food Filmmaker of the Year' Elementary Education Majors Tutor Local Students in Pilot Program University Museum Hosts Exhibit on Restoration of the Athenian Acropolis UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER NEWS UMC Offers "Meaningful Recovery" for Peripheral Nerve Injuries Although humans cannot grow a lost foot or hand back, the species has the ability to regenerate nerves, if the conditions are right, according to Dr. Robert Tiel, professor of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. “The peripheral nervous system is that part of the nervous system which lies outside the brain and spinal cord,” Tiel said. “Most people believe that human beings have little capacity for regeneration after injury. While this is often true, there is much investigational work being done in the area of nerve generation and regeneration.” When a nerve gets severed, it retracts, and intervening scar tissue represents an insurmountable barrier to recovery. “This is why we repair sharp, acute injuries like knife or glass wounds immediately by re-opposing the severed ends so that the regenerating nerve fiber is not impeded by excessive scar tissue,” Tiel said. “We now have artificial nerve conduits that allow as much as a two-centimeter gap to be spanned successfully in this acute setting.” Learn more. All Aboard! Trolley Connects UMC, Fondren Second SACS Assessment Cycle Helps Enhance Students' Success UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI NEWS Southern Miss Students Selected to Attend Prestigious National Conference Two of The University of Southern Mississippi’s top students are attending the U.S. Military Academy’s prestigious National Conference on Ethics in America this week at West Point, N.Y., after being selected based on their academic standing and involvement in student government. Melissa Cirino, a junior from Hattiesburg majoring in speech communication and sociology, and Kenneth Busby, a sophomore molecular biology major from Mobile, Ala., will participate in the conference along with other students from colleges and universities across the country. The purpose of the conference, open to civilian undergraduate students who show leadership potential, is to heighten awareness and understanding about ethical issues in collegiate communities and in professional career fields. Ultimately, conference organizers hope their efforts will lead to a greater awareness and adoption nationally of moral-ethical standards of behavior. Participants are then encouraged to return to their campuses and share what they learned at the conference with their fellow students, faculty, sponsors and other members of their community. The information and experiences provided through the conference to its participants can lead to the formation or refinement of honor codes and systems, and development of similar ethics education programming on campuses and in communities. Learn more. Study Shows Breakfast Is More Beneficial Inside Classrooms Students Gain Insight into Canadian Legal System Through Exchange Program Southern Miss Professor's 39th Book Published Professor Co-Authors New Public Relations Book  Oct. 26 - MSU's Mitchell Memorial Library hosts a 2:30 p.m. program to honor university President Robert H. "Doc" Foglesong on his selection for the Tau Beta Pi national engineering honor society's 2007 Distinguished Alumnus Award. Learn more. Oct. 26 - Oxford and Ole Miss celebrate a major recreational and transportation initiative with a ribbon cutting ceremony for Phase I of the Pathway project. The ceremony, set for 4 p.m. at the Ole Miss-Oxford Depot, celebrates the opening of 6.25 miles of paved trails for pedestrians and cyclists. Learn more. Oct. 27 - MSU's Riley Center presents singer-songwriter Robert Earl Keen at 8 p.m. Tickets are $35 and $29. Learn more. Oct. 27 - MSU Sky Dawgs and Rocketry Club presents fifth annual air show at Starkville's Bryan Field at 9 a.m. Learn more. Oct. 28 - The Southern Mississippi Symphony String Quartet is scheduled to perform a musical tribute of Beatles music at 2 p.m. at the auditorium of the Mary C. O’Keefe Cultural Center in Ocean Springs. The tribute performance is free and open to the public. Learn more. Oct. 29 - Delta State University music faculty, Dr. Andrea Cheeseman, assistant professor of music, and Dr. Kumiko Shimizu, assistant professor of piano, will present a recital at 7:30 p.m. in the Recital Hall of the Bologna Performing Arts Center. For more information on this event, contact (662) 846-4615. Oct. 30 - Bowfire , a popular traveling show combining the musical talents of world-class string virtuosos and fast-paced step and tap dancing, comes to the UM Ford Center for the Performing Arts for an 8 p.m. show. Tickets are $29, $32, and $35 through the UM Box Office, telephone (662) 915-7411. Learn more. Nov. 1 - Melinda Sothern, research professor at Louisiana State University, speaks at the Oxford Conference Center on effective exercise practices for overweight children. The 7 p.m. presentation, open to the public, is part of the annual meeting of the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, hosted this year by UM. Learn more. Nov. 1 - Mississippi State University’s Natural Resource Enterprises Program will focus on outdoor businesses in a one-day workshop near Benndale in George County. For more information about the workshop or to register, call (662) 325-3133 or visit http://www.wildlifeworkshop.msstate.edu . Learn more. Nov. 1- 4 - Southern Miss Repertory Dance Company presents its Fall Dance Concert at the Mannoni Performing Arts Center in Hattiesburg. For more information, call (601) 266-5418 or (800) 844-8425 for tickets. Nov. 2-3 - Jackson State University will host the 16th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry at the Hilton Jackson Hotel. Learn more. Nov. 3 - Alcorn State University Extension Program will be holding the Youth Art Competition within the Annual Fall Festival at the Natchez Farmers Market, 613 Main Street, Natchez, MS, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Learn more. Nov. 14-15 - JSU's College of Lifelong Learning will host the Spirit of Safety (S.O.S.) Conference, featuring television host Judge Greg Mathis at the Hilton Hotel and Convention Center. The conference's goal is to promote violence free educational environments. For more information, call (601) 432-6649. Learn more. Nov. 15 - The Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station’s 25th Annual Production Sale will feature registered Angus, Hereford, and Charolais bulls and bred heifers from the MSU research herds. For more information, contact Dr. Jane Parish at (662) 325-7466 or jparish@ads.msstate.edu . Learn more. Jan. 15 - 16 - The Mississippi State University Extension Service coordinates the Delta Ag Expo, Mississippi’s oldest regional farm show, in the Bolivar County Expo Center in Cleveland. For more information, contact Ben Spinks at (662) 843-8361 or bspinks@ext.msstate.edu . Learn more. |