IHL Board, IEOs Participate in Legislative Hearings On Wednesday and Thursday, September 10 and 11, members of the IHL Board, Commissioner of Higher Education Dr. Thomas C. Meredith, and Mississippi's eight institutional executive officers met with members of the Senate Universities and Colleges Committee, chaired by Senator Doug Davis, to discuss a proposed Senate bill. The bill would decentralize Mississippi's public university system by creating separate Boards of Trustees for each of Mississippi's eight public universities, along with oversight from a coordinating Board of Governors. Board President Amy Whitten discussed with the Committee the Board's ability to support Mississippi by facilitating cohesive statewide educational initiatives. Unanimous in their opinion that a decentralized System would not adequately support the needs of the state and would create unnecessary competition for limited resources, Mississippi's eight institutional executive officers made passionate and articulate statements in support of the System's current constitutional governing structure. Dr. David Sansing, Professor Emeritus of History from the University of Mississippi, wrote an informational paper as background on Mississippi's higher education history entitled, "The Events and Circumstances Leading to the Establishment of the Constitutional Board of Trustees," which you can read here. The paper discusses the three distinct periods in Mississippi's history leading the to establishment of Mississippi's current constitutional governing Board, including 1871 to 1910, when Mississippi had multiple, independent Boards subject to political whims; 1910 to 1942, when Mississippi had one consolidated Board as well as two Boards for teachers colleges, unified in 1932 but not protected from or placed beyond the reach of politics; and 1942 to present, where Mississippi enjoys one constitutional Board wherein Mississippi's higher education system has flourished. | MSU IEO Search Committee Receives Names, Set to Begin Interviews Members of the Board Search Committee for the next President of Mississippi State University, chaired by Trustee Scott Ross, met Wednesday, September 10 to receive candidate recommendations from the Mississippi State Search Advisory Committee. At least five candidate names were received for consideration. The Board Search Committee will next meet on Tuesday, September 16, beginning at 10:30 a.m., and Wednesday, September 17, beginning at 8:00 a.m., in the IHL Board Room in the Universities Center, 3825 Ridgewood Road, Jackson, MS, 39211 for the purpose of conducting first round interviews. Board Search Committee members will be joined by Mississippi State's Interview Search Advisory Committee, a subset of the original campus Search Advisory Committee formed to review all resumes and recommend candidates to the Board Search Committee. See a list of the members of the Interview Search Advisory Committee. The MSU institutional executive officer search website offers more information, including a timeline of events. | MVSU IEO Search Advisory Committee Forwards Names, Elects Reps The Search Advisory Committee for the next president of Mississippi Valley State University (MVSU) met Tuesday, September 9, to review and discuss all candidate resumes for the position. As a result of the meeting, the Committee forwarded its candidate selections, unranked, to the MVSU Board Search Committee for possible interviews. The Search Advisory Committee also elected its representatives to join the IHL Board Search Committee throughout the entire candidate interview process. The Interview Search Advisory Committee members include: - Dr. Moses Newsome, Jr., Vice President, Research, Planning, Community, and Economic Development and Chairman of the Search Advisory Committee;
- Dr. Gwendolyn Catchings, Vice-President of the Faculty Senate and Assistant Professor of Business Administration;
- Mr. Edgar Bland, Director of Academic Computing Services;
- Ms. Brandy Brown, Student Government Association President;
- Ms. Carolyn Upkins, President of the Mississippi Valley State University Alumni Association;
- Dr. Walter Roberts, President of the Mississippi Valley State University Foundation; and
- Dr. Abigail Newsome, Director and Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics.
Members of the Board Search Committee, chaired by Trustee Bettye Neely, then met on Wednesday, September 10, to receive the candidate recommendations from Tuesday's Search Advisory Committee meeting. The MVSU institutional executive officer search website offers more information, including a timeline of events. | Recommendations of BRC Presented to MACTE and IHL, MDE Boards On Friday, September 5, the recommendations and implementation plan of the Blue Ribbon Committee for the Redesign of Teacher Preparation (BRC) were presented to the Mississippi Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (MACTE), which includes the deans and chairs of teacher education programs at each of the state's public and private colleges and universities. The recommendations, which were first vetted in preliminary form by MACTE and other critical entities in June 2007, were received and endorsed by MACTE and will be presented to the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and the Mississippi State Board of Education during the week of September 15. Moving forward, each of the state's teacher education programs will be represented on September 23 by redesign teams at an orientation session on the implementation of the BRC recommendations. The BRC was convened in November 2006 to increase the quality and quantity of teachers in Mississippi by improving teacher preparation and recruitment programs in the state. The BRC includes approximately 36 educators, business/industry leaders, parents, and legislators who represent Mississippi's demographic diversity and diversity of perspectives on education. For more information, contact IHL Assistant Commissioner for Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Lynn J. House. | IHL Board Committee and Monthly Meetings Sept. 17-18 The IHL Board will hold various committee meetings on Wednesday, September 17, and its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, September 18. All meetings will take place in the IHL Board Room in the Universities Center, 3825 Ridgewood Road, Jackson, MS, 39211. On Wednesday, the Real Estate and Facilities Committee will meet, beginning at 1:00 p.m., followed by the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee, and finally the Educational Policies and Programs Committee. On Thursday, the full Board will convene at 8:30 a.m. and then conduct business as a committee of the whole. Various Board committees, including Educational Policies and Programs; Real Estate and Facilities; Budget, Finance, and Audit; Governance/Legal; and the Gulf Coast Special Committee, will meet as part of the Board meeting. The Board will discuss approval of academic program productivity reviews, new academic programs, modifications to existing academic programs, approval of new academic units, and modifications to existing academic units, among other items. For all committee meetings and the Board meeting, an executive session may be held in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. The Board meeting will be available for real-time viewing via live webcast on the IHL website. Learn more about the IHL Board. | | Items included in the "University News" section of the System Review are submitted each week by the universities. The news items are listed in rotating alphabetical order by university. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST NEWS
Backyards & Beyond Exhibit on Display at Southern Miss Gulf Park The art exhibition, "Backyards & Beyond: Mississippians and their Stories - The First Year After Katrina," is on display until the end of November at The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Park campus in Long Beach. Making its debut on the Gulf Coast, "Backyards & Beyond" is sponsored by Southern Miss, Mississippi Power Foundation, the Beau Rivage Hotel and Casino, Chevron, Lamar Advertising, Northrop Grumman, and the Grand Casino Biloxi. The exhibition is comprised of environmental portrait paintings by nationally acclaimed Mississippi artist, H.C. Porter, paired with audio recordings collected by the executive director of "Backyards & Beyond," Karole Sessums. Porter traveled from Jackson to the Mississippi Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina to document her fellow Mississippians in order to show the nation the amazing spirit of those enduring these historic months following the storm. A social realist, Porter's work is both powerful and moving. Her mixed media paintings combine her unique styles of painting, photography, and printmaking. "Ms. Porter's depictions of human beings surviving after one of the worst natural disasters in our country's history really define us to future generations," said John Atherton, vice president for external affairs at the Mississippi Power Foundation. "They speak to our resilience, our unity, and I hope the pieces will forever tell our children and grandchildren what kind of people we are." Learn more.
Alcorn Students Selected to Attend Thurgood Marshall Leadership Institute Eight Alcorn State University students have been selected to attend the Thurgood Marshall College Fund's (TMCF) 2008 Leadership Institute. Leonard Addae, Fanshon Montgomery, Archie Taylor, Theodoria Cosey, Daniel Johnson, Jessica Clark, Jessica Hinton, and Joshlean Fair will attend the 8th Annual Leadership Institute Recruitment Conference & Career Fair, themed "Critical Thinking: Real World - Real Time Decisions," that will take place October 24-27 in New York City, NY. During this exciting conference participants will have the opportunity to attend workshops that will sharpen their leadership and professional skills as well as network with professionals from numerous companies and industries. All of the Alcorn State University students, except for Joshlean Fair, are being sponsored by TMCF as a result of an interview with a TMCF representative on August 28. Twenty-two ASU honor students were interviewed, and eight were selected to participate in the conference. Joshlean Fair is designated as a Bank of America Scholar. Learn more. DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS
Delta State Selected by Higher Education Center to Participate in Project The Policy Center on the First Year of College has just announced its selection of Delta State University as one of 30 colleges and universities that will participate in a year-long project, Foundations of Excellence in the First College Year. The Foundations of Excellence project is designed to help campuses evaluate and improve the overall experience of first-year students. The Policy Center, based in Brevard, N.C., is a non-profit higher education research/policy center established in 1999 and supported by Lumina Foundation for Education. The work of the Policy Center is intended to help both two-and four-year institutions of higher education enhance new student learning and retention through systematic appraisal and improvement of their programs, policies, and institutional procedures. Since the project began in 2003, over 300 two-and four-year colleges and universities have participated either in developing the model and/or completing the self-study process. Additional information about the Policy Center and this project can be found at www.fyfoundations.org. Learn more. Area Partners Chosen to Coordinate Innovation-Led Economic Development Activities in the Mississippi Delta DSU Live at The Warehouse Begins Monday Night JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS
Jackson State Exemplifies Southern Hospitality, Shelters Tulane University At Jackson State University, the concept of Southern hospitality continues to be far more than just a common phrase. Last week, for the third time in less than five years, hundreds of students and staff at Tulane University in New Orleans were forced to evacuate the city due to a hurricane. On all three occasions, Tulane entrusted its students and staff to Jackson State. Since 2000, Jackson State has agreed to provide temporary emergency accommodations to Tulane when needed. Two of Jackson State's facilities, the Lee E. Williams Athletics and Assembly Center (AAC) and the T.B. Ellis Physical Education Center, are designated as Emergency Management Evacuation Centers, both offering telephone, cable, and wireless Internet access. Last week, Tulane brought 267 students and staff members to JSU. After retreating to Jackson State twice previously, Tulane officials said they were confident in JSU's ability to provide adequate assistance and accommodations. "We all knew exactly what to expect," said Erica Woodley, Tulane's director of Residence Education and Community Standards. "This is the third time that we have evacuated to Jackson State and I can't say enough about how helpful and accepting the JSU people have been." While in the AAC, students kept themselves busy. Many spent time lying on their blow-up mattresses or on the floor reading books. Learn more. Jackson State Hosting Environmental Health Symposium MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS
D'Abramo Selected to Head MSU Graduate School A veteran faculty member, aquaculture researcher, and chairman of Mississippi State's distinguished professor group is the university's new graduate school dean. Louis R. "Lou" D'Abramo also will serve as associate vice president for academic affairs at the land-grant institution. A wildlife and fisheries professor, he has held the rank of William L. Giles Distinguished Professor - MSU's highest faculty recognition - since 2003. His appointment formally was approved at the August meeting of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning. Since joining the faculty in 1984, D'Abramo has compiled a long record of professional achievements. Formerly a post-graduate researcher at the University of California, Davis, he first worked at MSU as an assistant professor of wildlife and fisheries and assistant aquaculture biologist with the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. Learn more. MSU Geology Professor Honored for Cave Protection MSU Air Force ROTC Earns Two Service Awards Harvard Historian Lectures on Civil War MSU Prepares for Leadership Summit MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND VETERINARY MEDICINE NEWS
MSU Intercollegiate Equestrian Team Competes Regionally The challenge of drawing an unfamiliar mount and competing with someone else's saddle and bridle would throw many of the best riders in the world, but Mississippi State University's (MSU) equestrian team does not find that aspect of intercollegiate club sports hard to handle. To prepare for the realities of intercollegiate competition, team members train with different horses each time they ride. Molly Nicodemus, the team coach, said she believes this approach is one of the best ways to learn to read horses. "Horses used for intercollegiate athletic competition are not polished show animals, and some riders can't handle that situation," said Nicodemus, MSU associate professor of animal and dairy sciences. "Intercollegiate competition takes an individual who understands horses and won't get intimidated by quirks in their behavior." MSU was the first institution of higher learning in the state to offer an intercollegiate equestrian team, which it established more than seven years ago. Since that time the team qualified several riders for regional and zone competitions. During the 2007-08 competitive season, team members competing in the hunt seat, or English riding, division won 11 first-place ribbons, 11 second-place ribbons, and 10 third-place ribbons, and finished seventh overall at regionals. The team's stock seat, or western riding, division won eight first-place ribbons, six second-place ribbons, and four third-place ribbons, and finished third at regionals. Learn more. MSU's Fall Garden Fest Marks 30th Year MSU Extension's "Smart Aging: Healthy Futures" Benefits Rural Seniors MSU Veterinary Grad Opens "Cats Only" Hospital MSU Crop Specialist Warns of Cotton Problems from Recent Rains MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN NEWS
MUW Public Administration Certificate Targets Individuals in Government The public administration certificate now being offered at Mississippi University for Women (MUW) is the perfect opportunity for individuals to hone their skills related to government work. The 15-credit program provides a foundation in the field of public administration and was designed for people already working for government agencies or non-profits. According to Dr. Michael Burger, chair of the Department of History, Political Science, and Geography at MUW, many people, with degrees in everything from forestry to art history, wind up working for government agencies or non-profit organizations. "A good liberal arts education will give them the skills and knowledge to flourish, but such people may still lack more specialized skills and knowledge that pertain to government work. The certificate program is a package of courses that meets that need." Courses focus on public management, public budgeting, and human resources management. An analytical course to aid in understanding organization behavior is also part of the course work. Learn more. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS
MVSU's Glass Among 105 Performing at Kennedy Center It may have been the 11 famous Hadeland crystal chandeliers from Norway or the organ's 4,144 pipes that Stephanie Glass of Greenwood looked upon with awe. It could have been the tiered seating that held 2,442 concert goers, all eagerly awaiting the collective voices of the performers. All she remembers, though, is stepping onto the stage of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts on Sept. 7 and thinking, "This is awesome!" Glass, a Mississippi Valley State University (MVSU) senior, was among the "105 Voices of History," a Historically Black Colleges and Universities Choir that performed Sunday as part of the White House Initiative on HBCUs' annual conference commemoration of National HBCU Week. "It was an awesome feeling performing. It didn't hit me until I had my attire on, my book of music in one hand, and was walking out on the stage. There was Phylicia Rashad, our narrator, and then to see that the house was packed. "It was nearly 2,500 people in one place, and there were still about 2,000 people standing outside watching the whole performance on the big screens outside. Everything was amazing," said Glass. Glass, chosen by MVSU Chorale Director Orlando Moss, is first alto section leader for the MVSU Choir. The senior art major transferred to Valley from Tougaloo College three years ago. Stephanie said for as long as she can remember, she has loved to sing. "It provides an outlet for me. It's all about who I am singing about and that is Jesus Christ." Learn more. MVSU Graduate & Professional Schools Day is Sept. 16 MVSU Invites Teachers to Professional Development Workshops MVSU High School Day is Sept. 20 UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI NEWS
Study Shows One in Five Katrina Survivors May Have Experienced PTSD Following the aftermath of destruction from Hurricane Katrina, nearly one in five Gulf Coast residents likely experienced post-traumatic stress disorder, according to a University of Mississippi study. The findings, part of an interdisciplinary research project funded by the National Science Foundation, were made public last month at the American Psychological Association's annual conference in Boston. Researcher Michael Hirschel, UM doctoral student in psychology, said the level of PTSD among the nearly 400 residents sampled appear higher than that of an average citizen. "In terms of PTSD prevalence, 19 percent responded in a manner suggesting a PTSD diagnosis as probable," Hirschel said. "This was a screening, not an in-depth interview process, so the total number of residents suffering from PTSD is unknown without additional follow-up." PTSD is defined as a strong emotional response with specific symptoms as a result of an event perceived as life threatening. Symptoms included flashbacks or dreams, avoidance of people or places associated with the event, and increased arousal or trouble sleeping. The study also examined general self-efficacy, the belief in one's ability to have an impact on one's environment or on a desired outcome. The research indicates that an increase in general self-efficacy is associated with less psychological distress, he said. Conducted five months after the storm blew ashore, the study surveyed 399 residents from Hancock and Harrison counties. Learn more. Politically Themed Quiz Bowl Offers Students Chance to Win Tickets to Presidential Debate Experts in Health Care Hold Public Forum, Urge Prevention to Reduce Health Care Costs Physicists Thrilled About Activation of World's Largest Particle Accelerator Past, Present and Future of Southern Politics Is Focus of Pre-Debate Symposium UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER NEWS
Dedication Ties Guyton's "Legacy of Achievement" to Future A portrait of legendary scientist Dr. Arthur C. Guyton will hang on the first floor of the new Arthur C. Guyton Research Center facing a window where the previous building named in his honor is in view. It's as if Guyton has been planted in the future of research while looking at the past. The center's dedication at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 12, will tie his legacy of achievement to the University of Mississippi Medical Center's vision of a robust research program. Dr. Dan Jones, vice chancellor for health affairs, said the Medical Center continues to build on Guyton's legacy. His world-renowned book, Textbook of Medical Physiology, now in its 11th printing, is the most widely used physiology text. "He is best known for his textbook," Jones said. "But he provides a wonderful example to today's faculty of excellence in research, teaching, and mentorship. He was a giant, and his legacy inspires us to move forward to make the world a healthier and stronger place through our programs of research." The 191,000-square-foot, eight-story building will house the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, the Center of Excellence in Cardiovascular-Renal Research, and researchers in several other fields, including cancer, obesity, and metabolic diseases. The current cost of the building is $46 million, but when the top three floors are complete, the total investment will reach $60 million. Learn more. Interim CEO Maintains Focus on UP Collaboration, Institutional Goals Drug Retailer Supports New Pharmacy Practice Building UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI NEWS
Southern Miss College of Business Names Lou Ann Poynter 2008 Distinguished Alumna Lou Ann Poynter, well-known state and community business leader and staunch University of Southern Mississippi supporter, has been named 2008 Distinguished Alumna by the College of Business. Poynter, who received a bachelor's degree in business administration and a master's degree in accounting from Southern Miss, will be honored with a dinner Sept. 19 at the Lake Terrace Convention Center. "I am deeply honored to be recognized by the College of Business with this most prestigious award. The education I received in the College of Business at Southern Miss provided the foundation for my career in banking, and any success I have had can be traced directly back to those roots," said Poynter. The Distinguished Alumni Award was established by the College of Business to recognize outstanding achievement by an alumnus. Bob Pierce, executive director of the Alumni Association, says that he can think of no one more deserving of the award. "Not only is she a brilliant financial mind and outstanding leader, she has a delightful personality and possesses a strong passion for the betterment of Southern Miss," said Southern Miss Alumni Director Bob Pierce. During her professional career, Poynter was president and CEO of Magnolia Federal Bank for Savings prior to the merger of Magnolia Federal with Union Planters Bank. She then served as senior executive vice president and head of the Mortgage Banking Division of Union Planters Bank, N.A. before her retirement in 2004. Learn more. Ablitech Announces Funding for New Cancer Treatment Southern Miss Opens New Writing Center Southern Miss Students Earn Next Generation Scholarships First Group of Eagle Bikes Roll Out at Southern Miss 
Sept. 16 - Mississippi State's Riley Center in Meridian presents singer/songwriters John Hiatt and Joan Osborne performing beginning at 8 p.m. For more information on the performance, contact Derron Radcliff at (601) 696-2200. Learn more. Sept. 16 - Ken Cyree, interim dean of the UM School of Business Administration, discusses subprime mortgage lending and the recent problems in the mortgage industry at 6 p.m. in Holman Hall, Room 30. The free, public lecture is among the events designed to educate voters leading up to the presidential election. Learn more. Sept.17 - Alcorn State University Office of Placement Services is sponsoring its Graduate & Professional Schools Information Day on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 in the James L. Bolden Campus Union Ballroom from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Learn more. Sept. 17 - Mississippi State's University Libraries presents "Crafting the Winning CV," a program for graduate students. This session continues as part of the Survival Skills for Graduate Students workshops and will focus on developing a professional CV. For more information, contact Deborah Lee at (662) 325-0810. Learn more. Sept. 17 - Marjorie Perloff, one of the most respected American critics of contemporary poetry, discusses the work of Samuel Beckett at 7 p.m. in Bondurant Auditorium at the University of Mississippi. The free, public lecture is the 42nd annual installment in the Christopher Longest Lecture series. Learn more. Sept. 18 - The Mississippi Public Broadcasting Wellness Committee is hosting "Lunch and Learn," from noon to 1 p.m. in the Mississippi Library Commission 1st floor meeting room. Donna Speed, nutrition services director for the Mississippi Department of Health, will speak.
Sept. 18 - Alcorn State University will host poetry reading and lecture by Natasha Trethewey in the ballroom of the James L. Bolden Campus Union Building from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. The event is open to the public. Learn more. Sept. 20 - Mississippi Valley State University will host its annual Fall High School Day on Saturday, Sept. 20, beginning at 9 a.m. in the R.W. Harrison Health, Physical Education and Recreation Complex. Doors open at 8 a.m. for early bird registration. For information, contact Admissions at (662) 254-3347. Learn more. Sept. 20 - Mississippi Valley State University will host its 10th annual Family and Community Day on Saturday, Sept. 20 from noon to 4 p.m. on the front campus. Gospel singing, dance contests, and a round of blues music highlight this year's event. There is no charge to attend the activities; parking is free. Learn more. Sept. 23 - Comedian Robert Wuhl shares his off-the-wall, bizarre insights in his show "Assume the Position," set for 8 p.m. in Fulton Chapel at the University of Mississippi. The event is free for UM students and $10 for faculty and staff. Tickets, if available, go on sale to the public Sept. 22. Learn more. Sept. 23-25 - In its second year, MSU Extension's "Mississippi Women in Agriculture - Annie's Project," targets women who are often the sole decision makers in their agricultural enterprises. The first seminar will be Sept. 23-25, at the Grenada County Extension Office. Contact womeninag@ext.msstate.edu. Learn more. Sept. 25 - Mississippi State's Sexual Assault Services presents Get Carded Day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the university's Drill Field. This is part of a national event where cards are distributed to faculty, staff, and students that provide tips on sexual assault prevention. Learn more. Sept. 25-28 - JSU's Department of Speech Communication and Theater will present the gospel musical "Challenges, Choices and Consequences" at the Rose Embly McCoy Auditorium on the main campus. General admission is $10 and $5 for students and seniors. For more information, call (601) 979-4309. Learn more. Sept. 29 - Delta State University will present "Capitol Steps" in the Delta and Pine Land Theatre of its Bologna Performing Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. For ticket information, please call the Box Office at (662) 846-4626. Learn more. Sept. 30 - The Families and Communities Together, or FACT, conference takes place at The Summit in Tupelo. Early registration is $40 by Sept. 25 and $60 after that date. Contact MSU Extension area child and family development agent Carla Stanford at (662) 489-3910 or carlas@ext.msstate.edu. Learn more. Oct. 15 - The 52nd Edward C. Martin Landscape Design Symposium is hosted by the MSU Department of Landscape Architecture and The Garden Clubs of Mississippi Inc. It will be at Bost Auditorium on the MSU campus. Contact Debbie Whitfield at (662) 325-4224 or dww12@lalc.msstate.edu. Oct. 18 - Southern Miss will host the Career Exploration for Girls Conference.Learn more. |