Leila W. Salisbury, Director, University Press of Mississippi | Leila Salisbury Succeeds Srinivasan as University Press Director Following a national search and confirmation from the IHL Board, Leila W. Salisbury was named Director of the University Press of Mississippi (UPM) in July. Salisbury succeeds Seetha Srinivasan, whose career at UPM spanned 29 years. Salisbury comes to UPM from the University Press of Kentucky where she was the director of marketing. Salisbury has been in university press publishing for 17 years. Her duties have included overseeing all facets of publicity, marketing, promotion, and sales of books. During her time at the University Press of Kentucky, she acquired books in film studies and popular culture. While there, she also was involved with the academic publisher's professional association, the American Association of University Presses (AAUP). She chaired and participated on a number of panels and workshops at both national and regional meetings, and she served as the chair of the AAUP marketing committee in 2004-2005. A native of Virginia, Salisbury spent her childhood in Bourbon County and Lexington, Kentucky. She received a B.A. with Honors in English from Davidson College in 1993 and began a Masters in English at the University of Georgia, which she then finished at the University of Kentucky. For more information, contact UPM Publicist Clint Kimberling. | University Press Tradition of Excellence Continues The tradition of excellence at the University Press of Mississippi (UPM), the state's only not-for-profit publisher, continues in the Press' 38th year of operation. UPM, the publishing arm of the state university system, operates under the auspices of IHL and releases approximately 65 titles per year. The Press disseminates scholarly works of the highest distinction and books that interpret literature, film, and the south and its culture to the nation and the world. To date, the Press has released over 900 titles and distributed 2.6 million individual books worldwide, all with the Mississippi logo proudly on the spine. UPM books have won numerous awards, including multiple Choice Outstanding Academic Book Awards, back-to-back Chicago Folklore Prizes from the American Folklore Society, the American Academy of Diplomacy's Douglas Dillon Award, and the McLemore Prize. Regularly earning the attention of high circulation newspapers and magazines, UPM titles have lately been lauded in O: The Oprah Magazine, the New Yorker, Harper's, Bookforum, Washington Post Book World, Wall Street Journal, Ebony, Cooking Light, and many other publications. Press authors and their works have been featured on National Public Radio's Morning Edition, All Things Considered, Weekend Marketplace, The Leonard Lopate Show, and many other public and commercial radio programs. In addition, authors have talked often about their work on their local television stations and on C-SPAN BookTV. The Press is widely known for its books in photography, for its Literary Conversations and Conversations with Filmmakers Series, and for its books on Mississippi and Louisiana culture and history. Leila W. Salisbury, director of the Press, acquires titles in film studies, popular culture, and Mississippi and regional studies. Craig Gill, assistant director/editor-in-chief, acquires titles in art, architecture, folklore and folk art, history, music, natural sciences, photography, and southern studies. Walter Biggins, acquiring editor, seeks and develops titles in American literature, comics studies, American studies, and Caribbean studies. Learn more at the Press' website, www.upress.state.ms.us. | August Issue of Mississippi's Business Released The August issue of Mississippi's Business has been released by the Economics Department of the IHL Office of Policy Research and Planning. The issue, which can be accessed online as a PDF, provides an overview of the state's economic situation as indicated by the leading and coincident indexes. For more information about Mississippi's Business, contact Senior Economist Darrin Webb at (601) 432-6556. | | Items included in the "University News" section of the System Review are submitted each week by the universities. The news items are listed in rotating alphabetical order by university. DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS
Craig E. Nelson to keynote the 2008 ROMEA Faculty Development Conference Dr. Craig E. Nelson, professor emeritus of biology at Indiana University (IU) and a Carnegie Scholar, will be the keynote speaker for the 2008 ROMEA Faculty Development Conference. The conference is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 6 in Ewing Hall on the campus of Delta State University. Conference registration will close on Monday, Sept. 8. To register or for more information, please visit the ROMEA website at www.romea.deltastate.edu. The conference is committed to promoting excellence in teaching and increasing communication and collegiality among faculty across Mississippi. Nelson's presentation, "Achievement, Equity, and Retention: Three Pedagogical Changes that Can Make a Real Difference in ANY College Classroom," will be delivered during the afternoon session of the conference from 1-3 p.m. A distinguished professor, Nelson was founding director of Environmental Programs in IU's School of Public and Environmental Affairs and was instrumental in the development of IU's award-winning Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) program. Nelson has received numerous awards for distinguished teaching from IU, including the President's Medal for Excellence, "the highest honor bestowed by Indiana University," as well as nationally competitive awards from Vanderbilt and Northwestern. Learn more. Delta State to Celebrate 23rd Annual Pig Pickin Clarinetist/Composer to Perform Recital at Delta State Internationally Acclaimed Jazz Pianist Richard Doron Johnson to Play at Delta State University JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS
JSU's Urban, Regional Planning Department Welcomes Largest Grad Class The Jackson State University Department of Urban and Regional Planning is welcoming 19 graduate students this fall, the largest class in its 10-year history. The department began in 1998 under the Ayers higher education desegregation settlement, which made Jackson State the only university in Mississippi to offer master's and doctoral degrees in urban and regional planning. "The department is making tremendous progress in gaining local, state, and national attention to this outstanding program," said Otha Burton, Jr., chair of the department and associate dean of the School of Policy and Planning in the College of Public Service. "Any student should feel honored to be a part of this historical opportunity to study with leaders in the field of planning." Burton said the students represent a cross-section of interests including community development and housing, urban design, and environment and land use. The five Ph.D. students are Ercilla Dometz of Nicaragua; Elizabeth Foster of Brandon, MS; Claudette Jones of Starkville, MS; Benetta Robinson of Port Gibson, MS; and Joan Blanton of Clinton, MS. Learn more. Jackson State Hosting Environmental Health Symposium Deadline Approaching for JSU's SIMET Program MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS
MSU to Dedicate Zacharias Village, Celebrate Sanderson Center Mississippi State dedicates its newest residence hall community Friday in honor of president emeritus Donald W. Zacharias. Beginning at 2 p.m., the ceremony formally opening the Zacharias Village will take place in the lobby of Ruby Hall, one of four student residences comprising the village. Zacharias, who continues to reside in Starkville, led the university from 1985 to 1997, the second-longest tenure in the land-grant institution's 130-year history. Enrollment soared, growing from 12,000 to more than 15,600, and research and technology contracts more than doubled during his 12 years of leadership. In addition, the Zacharias years on campus included the creation of the state's first World Wide Web site; the first university in the state requiring students to own and use personal computers for class work; a five-year Campaign for Mississippi State that raised $143 million in private gifts and commitments; significant growth in the national visibility and reputation of MSU; and major capital improvements, among them a much-needed expansion of Mitchell Memorial Library and construction of the Joe Frank Sanderson Center, a 150,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art recreational facility. Learn more. Students from Four States to Debate at Stennis Tournament MSU Unveils New 'BULLY' MSU Professor Receives International Wood Science Honor MSU Wesley Foundation Announces $875,000 Groundbreaking MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND VETERINARY MEDICINE NEWS
Mississippi Horse Park at MSU Offers Refuge from Gustav As another hurricane approached the Mississippi and Louisiana shores, many coastal horse owners sought refuge at the Mississippi Horse Park near Starkville. "We expect a lot of repeat customers from past hurricane evacuations," said Bricklee Miller, manager of the Mississippi Horse Park and Agricenter. The facility is located on Mississippi State University's South Farm. "The horse park is an ideal facility, far enough from the coast to be safe, but not too far to drive," Miller said. "It has excellent stalls, arenas, RV hook-ups, showers, and bathrooms. It is also a location that is very hospitable to other animals fleeing the storm with families." The horse park has 300 stalls and 150 RV sites. "We want people to feel welcome and comfortable coming to this facility and to this community to ride out the storm," she said. "In past years, local horse owners donated hay and assisted with animal care. Our intention is to expand our care for future refugees by providing snacks and a meal each day. "These are among the most sturdy facilities available for animals. Most of Mississippi's agricenters are fairly new and high-quality facilities that will be comfortable for animals and people," Miller said. Dr. Carla Huston, an MSU College of Veterinary Medicine associate professor of pathobiology and population medicine, serves on the Mississippi Animal Response Team. This team responds after disasters and in emergency situations to assist with animal care and recovery. Learn more. MSU Veterinarians Apply Hurricane Response Lessons Learned from Katrina MSU Agronomists Report Weather Makes Waves for State's Crop Harvests Toyota Grant Helps 4-H Fund Water-quality Project through MSU Extension MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN NEWS
Christine Todd Whitman to Headline MUW's Welty Gala New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman will speak at the Welty Gala on Sept. 25 at 7 p.m. in the Mary Ellen Weathersby Pope Banquet Room on the campus of Mississippi University for Women. The first female governor in the state of New Jersey, Whitman also served in the cabinet of Pres. George W. Bush as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from January of 2001 until June of 2003. As governor, Whitman earned praise from both Republicans and Democrats for her commitment to preserve a record amount of New Jersey land as permanent green space. She was also recognized by the Natural Resources Defense Council for instituting the most comprehensive beach monitoring system in the nation. As EPA administrator, she promoted common-sense environmental improvements such as watershed-based water protection policies. She championed regulations requiring non-road diesel engines to reduce sulfur emissions by more than 95 percent. She also established the first federal program to promote redevelopment and reuse of previously contaminated industrial sites, known as "brownfields." Learn more. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS
MVSU's Tenth Annual Family & Community Day Set for Sept. 20 The Tenth Annual Mississippi Valley State University (MVSU) Family & Community Day will be held Saturday, Sept. 20 from noon to 4 p.m. on the front campus. Gospel singing, dance contests, and a round of blues music highlight this year's event. There is no charge to attend the activities and parking is free. The event will coincide with MVSU High School Day and Take-A-Kid-To-The-Game Day. Youngsters will get a free pass to the football game when accompanied by an adult purchasing a game ticket. For more information, contact the Athletics Department at (662-254-3550) or the Cashier's Office, (662)-254-3313. "Every fall we look forward to welcoming the general public to a day of fun and fellowship," said MVSU Interim President Roy C. Hudson. "We want families to bring their children and experience a picnic and entertainment on our college campus." Each individual bringing a can of food or non-perishable item for charity will receive a free T-shirt while supplies last. Valley professors and staff will be available to answer questions about academics, including undergraduate and graduate programs. Visitors will find plenty of free parking on the east front lawn, across from the social science building and adjacent to the industrial technology building. For more information, contact the Office of Student Activities at (662) 254-3526. Learn more. UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI NEWS
Nearly 200 New Voters, Citizens Sworn in Tuesday in Campus Ceremony They came from 52 countries spanning the globe. Their differences were vast - from native languages to long-held customs - but each of the 198 people who took the oath of citizenship Tuesday at the University of Mississippi (UM) left with the common bond of being an American. This year marked the first time the U.S. District Court of Northern Mississippi has held the ceremony at a location other than the courthouse, but the move was necessary due to the unusually large number of applicants. Generally, just 50 to 60 people participate in the ceremonies which are held three or four times a year. However, this event, held in UM's Fulton Chapel, marked the most new citizens sworn in at one time in the court's history, said Judge Michael P. Mills, chief judge for the U.S. District Court in Oxford. Many of the new citizens exiting the chapel Tuesday morning expressed excitement over gaining an important rite of passage - the right to vote. Among them, Gregorio Galvaln, 42, expressed excitement about gaining the rights afforded to American citizens. He was born in Mexico and moved to the United States 20 years ago to find a better job and life. He came alone and found it difficult to learn the language and customs of this new homeland. However, after two decades, he said becoming a citizen has been well worth the wait. "I went to bed at 8 last night, but I only slept two or three hours," he said, a grin stretching across his face. "I was so excited and nervous, too." Learn more. Campus Landscaping Switches All Mowers to Environmentally Friendly Fuel Alumni Association Shows Off Inn at Ole Miss Expansion with Grand Opening Researchers to Examine Urban Noise at NCPA-Hosted Forum on Outdoor Sound Generation Journalism Professor's New Book Tells of Strained Relationship Between Media and Labor Unions UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER NEWS
Interim HR Chief Seeks to Streamline Processes, Increase Automation Jim Dorn has enjoyed a fruitful career integrating people and technology to proactively meet the needs of evolving organizations. Now the interim chief human resources officer wants to begin to do the same at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. "This is a people-intensive enterprise," said Dorn, who comes to the Medical Center from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. "It's a labor-intensive organization, and people provide the means for it to accomplish its goals." Dorn says he envisions a division that helps managers and employees perform human resources tasks quickly and accurately - from updating their insurance status to completing timely performance evaluations - all from their very own workstations. Learn more. CNE Establishes Scholarships to Aid Nurse Professional Training Medical Center Receives SAG Award for GIS UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI NEWS
Southern Miss Professor Plays Role in Bay St. Louis Recovery from Katrina History professor Dr. Doug Bristol fell easily for the charms of Bay St. Louis, MS, in 2003 when he came to interview for a faculty position with The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast. Now he's using his experience and expertise as a professional historian to help this beloved community recover from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and preserve its heritage as the newest member of the city's Historic Preservation Commission. The Bay St. Louis City Council unanimously passed a resolution last summer to appoint Bristol to fill a vacancy on the commission. Established in April 2007, it advises local government on matters relating to historic preservation and reviews applications for permits to alter, construct, or demolish buildings in the Bay St. Louis Historic District. Bristol teaches a course on Mississippi history for Southern Miss and is familiar with the scholarship on the state's past. He plans to involve Southern Miss students in service-learning projects with the historic commission as interns. He also has ties to some of the country's leading historical organizations, such as the National Archives and the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History. Learn more. Southern Miss Mass Communication and Journalism Receives $10,000 Grant from MPA Southern Miss Continues Commitment to Improving Campus Safety Southern Miss Professor Elected President of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Southern Miss's Woodruff Appointed to Department of Human Services Post UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST CAMPUS NEWS
University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Campus Online www.usm.edu/gulfcoast ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS
Alcorn State University Online www.alcorn.edu/ 
Sept. 8 - Legal experts and other professionals gather at 4:30 p.m. in Overby Center Auditorium at UM to discuss the state of Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts and the challenges that remain. The discussion, sponsored by Oxfam America and the Public Interest Law Society, is free and open to the public. Learn more. Sept. 8 - A panel of health care experts presents "National Health Care Reform: Moving from Treatment to Prevention" at 7 p.m. in Fulton Chapel at UM. The free, public event is among dozens of programs designed to prepare students and local audiences for the Sept. 26 presidential debate. Learn more. Sept. 9 - The Master Tree Farmer 2008 Forest Risk & Risk Management course will be offered in 23 counties. The registration deadline is Aug. 29. Contact your county office of the MSU Extension Service for a site near you. Learn more. Sept. 11 - Mississippi State University's Institute for the Humanities presents Harvard professor David Armitage speaking about the history of the Civil War. His speech, "Civil War: A History of Ideas," will begin in the Colvard Student Union ballroom M at 4:30 p.m. A reception and book signing will follow. Learn more. Sept. 11 - Joy Connolly of New York University discusses "Classical Rhetoric and Contemporary Politics" at 5 p.m. in the UM Turner Center Auditorium. The free lecture focuses on relevance and interests of public speaking in contemporary politics as seen through the prism of the tradition of classical rhetoric. Learn more. Sept. 12 - MSU's Turf Research Field Day and Turf Equipment Expo welcomes anyone interested in turf management to R.R. Foil Plant Science Research Center beginning at 9:00 a.m. Contact Wayne Wells at 662-325-2331 or wwells@ext.msstate.edu. Learn more. Sept. 23-24 - Mississippi State's Academic Outreach and Continuing Education presents the MSU Leadership Summit beginning at 11 a.m. The keynote speaker will be retired Gen. Colin Powell. For more information, call (662) 325-2177. Learn more. Sept. 23-24 - Mississippi State's Career Center presents Career Days from noon until 4 p.m. in Humphrey Coliseum. This event allows students and faculty to meet employers and other organizations that employ students. For more info, call Scott Maynard at (662) 325-3344. Learn more. Sept. 23-25 - In its second year, MSU Extension's "Mississippi Women in Agriculture - Annie's Project," targets women who are often the sole decision makers in their agricultural enterprises. The first seminar will be Sept. 23-25 at the Grenada County Extension Office. Contact womeninag@ext.msstate.edu. Learn more. Sept. 29 - Delta State University will present "Capitol Steps" in the Delta and Pine Land Theatre of its Bologna Performing Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. For ticket information, please call the Box Office at (662) 846-4626. Learn more. |