Dr. Lester C. Neman | Valley President Steps Down Dr. Lester C. Newman announced today his resignation from the presidency of Mississippi Valley State University, a position he has held since 1998. "I have a great love for Mississippi Valley State University," said Newman. "It is because of my love for Valley that I have made this decision. It is my hope that the faculty, staff, students, and alumni will continue on the journey that we started toward preeminence and move the institution to new and greater heights." IHL Board President Dr. L. Stacy Davidson, Jr., commented, "The Board appreciates Dr. Newman's years of service to Mississippi Valley and to our state. We wish him well as he explores other opportunities." Commissioner of Higher Education Dr. Thomas Meredith added, "President Newman has moved Mississippi Valley forward on many fronts. We are indebted to him for his efforts." The Board will name an interim President for Mississippi Valley prior to July 15, 2007, when Dr. Newman's resignation will take effect. Next steps will be announced by the Board as they are determined. | Board Approves Concept for Medical School Expansion During its June meeting on Wednesday, the IHL Board heard a presentation from Dr. Dan Jones, vice chancellor of the University of Mississippi Medical Center, regarding the university's plan to expand the size of the medical school's annual class from 110 to 150 students by 2014. The plan will also involve expansion of the residency program, expansion of the faculty, and some modifications of facilities. Final cost analyses for the project have not yet been completed. According to Dr. Jones, Mississippi ranks last or near last in nearly every national health measure, such as obesity rates, life expectancy rates, infant mortality rates, and the number of physicians per capita. "Physician supply is not the only part of this problem, and meeting the supply is not the only part of the solution, but it is a critical part of the problem and a critical part of the solution," said Dr. Jones. The Board granted approval for the Medical Center to move forward with the concept, which is in line with the Association of American Medical College's goal to increase the number of physicians trained in the United States by 30 percent.
| Board Approves FY 09 Funding Priorities and Tuition Increases Also during its Wednesday meeting, the Board approved funding priorities for the 2009 fiscal year. The priorities, which will be presented to the Legislature as the System's funding request, are driven by the need to educate students, promote economic development and research, offer competitive faculty and staff salaries, offer vital services such as health care and agricultural assistance, repair and renovate aging buildings, and meet all legal requirements associated with the Ayers settlement. To fund the educational priority, the Board is requesting an additional $55.2 million over the amount received in FY 2008. In addition, after a first-reading in May, the Board approved the following annual resident tuition increases, which range from $165 to $328 per year: - Alcorn State University: $165 increase to $4,280 annually, plus a $43 fuel surcharge
- Delta State University: $238 increase to $4,206 annually, plus a $42 fuel surcharge
- Jackson State University: $251 increase to $4,433 annually, plus a $44 fuel surcharge
- Mississippi State University: $319 increase to $4,929 annually, plus a $49 fuel surcharge
- Mississippi University for Women: $273 increase to $4,167 annually, plus a $42 fuel surcharge
- Mississippi Valley State University: $168 increase to $4,373 annually, plus a $44 fuel surcharge
- University of Mississippi: $328 increase to $4,885 annually, plus a $49 fuel surcharge
- University of Southern Mississippi: $318 increase to $4,866 annually, plus a $49 fuel surcharge
| BRC Writing Team Presents Draft Recommendations The Blue Ribbon Committee for the Redesign of Teacher Preparation (BRC) met Friday, June 15, to review the Committee's recommendations for redesign as drafted by the Committee's Writing Team. When the BRC Writing Team met May 16-17, they reviewed months of meeting notes, identified core beliefs and values, and then proceeded to write the Committee's recommendations, which they broadly categorized by theme. The Writing Team's work resulted in recommendations related to assessment and accountability, partnerships, program content implementation, and recruitment/retention. Moving forward, the BRC will host Town Hall Meetings during July and August to solicit feedback on the emerging plan for redesign. As they become available, meeting dates and locations will be posted on the IHL website and will be included in the Coming Up section of the System Review. The BRC was convened in November 2006 to increase the quality and quantity of teachers in Mississippi by improving teacher preparation and recruitment programs in the state. The BRC, which is being coordinated by IHL's Office of Academic and Student Affairs, includes approximately 36 educators, business/industry leaders, parents, and legislators who represent Mississippi's demographic diversity and diversity of perspectives on education. For more information about the BRC, contact IHL Assistant Commissioner of Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Lynn House .
| Dr. Thomas C. Meredith | Commissioner Meredith Addresses Jackson Rotary Commissioner Meredith addressed approximately 150 Jackson area business leaders during the Jackson Rotary Club meeting on Monday. Among other things, he explained the Board's difficult decision to raise tuition. "No one ever wants to raise tuition - period. But for us to offer a high quality university education that is competitive enough to keep students in the state, we have to constantly update and adapt," he said. Despite increases in state appropriations for FY 2007 and 2008, the System is still suffering from years of level or declining funding. Among other things, increasing enrollment, rising utility costs, aging buildings, and the need to offer salary raises have led to the need for the System to raise tuition. "It is true that tuition has gone up," he said, "but Mississippi's universities are still a tremendous value." Commissioner Meredith also discussed the opportunities for Mississippi's universities and businesses to partner and support each other. "Mississippi's universities stand ready to provide human resources, research, technology, and other services to power your businesses," he said. Mississippi's universities not only educate students, but also power economic development efforts in the state, and provide vital services, such as health care and agricultural research and support. | |  Items included in the “University News” section of the System Review are submitted each week by the universities. The news items are listed in rotating alphabetical order by university. JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS Jackson State and Progressive MB Church Unite Through Literature More than 150 Georgetown community residents have joined Jackson State University’s (JSU) efforts to promote reading in west Jackson. A partnership with Progressive Missionary Baptist Church made possible Families Uniting Through Literature (FUTL), a program that encourages reading for the entire family. Children from pre-kindergarten through high school and their parents will discuss topics from books for children and young adults. According to Dr. Buddy Fish, a JSU assistant professor of elementary and early childhood education, research shows that dialogue in the home plays an important part in students attaining proficient reading skills. The FUTL project will encourage positive dialogue between parents and children. “We have had several family reading programs and found that the adults in the homes are not participating with the children in reading and talking about the books,” says Fish. “This program will address the issues, whether they are reading skills or attitudes toward reading.” Through this pilot program, graduate students in JSU’s Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education will visit families weekly to help with reading and social issues. “Increased crime, school dropout rates, and teen pregnancy made it apparent that there was a dire need for more academic assistance and social guidance in the Georgetown community,” says Rosaline McCoy, youth program coordinator at Progressive. Learn more. Teachers Getting Lessons in Science Education at JSU JSU’s Housing Director Receives International Award JSU Hosts Baseball Summer Camp MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS MSU Supercomputers Help U.S. Navy 'Attack' On-board Fires Navy aircraft carriers now have a new safeguard to protect against fires and other related dangers. The service's first fire and smoke simulation computer model developed by Mississippi State's Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS) is receiving a certificate of verification, validation, and accreditation from the Washington, D.C.-based Naval Research Laboratory. In accepting the accolade Tuesday [June 19], university scientists said the program creates a powerful training tool to prevent injuries and death and decrease damages to the large ships. Tomasz A. Haupt, associate research professor and manager of CAVS' cooperative computing laboratory, said basic accessibility is among the program's greatest strengths. "Anyone can use it," he explained. Whether a deck fire or one deep within the mighty craft's complex interior, 21st century sailors will use the training model to determine best practices for safety and extinguishing fires. The CAVS' high-technology computing power that determined the best ways to react to shipboard fire and smoke is expected to result in considerable savings. "The dollar savings is incredible," said Frederick W. Williams, director of Navy Technology Center for Safety and Survivability, in presenting the certification. "The accuracy of models is impeccable for what it's used for," he added. Learn more. MSU Students Say 'Bonjour' to Campus Immersion Experience Bastrop Native at MSU Named First Edward Couvillion Scholar MSU Camp This Week Features Many 'Bosses' MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN NEWS
MUW Residential Honors Program Culminates with London Trip After one year of living and studying together as part of Mississippi University for Women’s Residential Honors Program, 19 students enjoyed a month-long study abroad experience in London this summer. “The trip was an important piece in a two-year honors program called the Residential Honors Program,” said Dr. Eric Daffron, director of the Ina E. Gordy Honors College, coordinator of study abroad, and professor of English. “That program is designed to foster student learning by asking participants to live and learn together. These students took history and English classes together and lived together in the Honors Residence Hall the entire year. The study abroad program, a continuation of that living-learning environment, was the culmination of that first-year experience.” Daffron, along with Dr. Tom Velek, professor of history, accompanied the students who earned four college credits for taking a history seminar and a literature seminar while in London. For the history seminar, Dr. Velek created a list of 25 London neighborhoods or sites the students read about in Peter Ackroyd’s book “London: The Biography.” The students each chose one site from the list about which to write a research paper and then give an oral presentation at the site. Each student received a card to the main Kensington Library, and this allowed them to use any of the borough libraries in the system. Learn more. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS Mississippi Valley State University Online www.mvsu.edu UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI NEWS
Historic Scientific Instruments Are Focus of International Workshop Rare and old science apparatus from around the globe are the focus of an international workshop this week at the University of Mississippi (UM). At least 15 countries are expected to be represented among the gathering of historians, scientists, educators, curators, and archivists for the “International Workshop on Scientific Instrument Collections in the University.” “The aim of this workshop is to foster the better utilization of the vast resource of instrument collections available in academic institutions worldwide for both scholarship and science education,” said Thomas Marshall, chair and professor of physics and astronomy at UM and principal investigator on the U.S. National Science Foundation grant supporting the workshop. “We are planning to have an interdisciplinary gathering of historians, scientists, educators, curators, archivists, and others who are interested in using these collections in different ways.” Approximately 75 participants from 15 countries – including France, England, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Brazil, Portugal, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and the United States – plan to attend. The Millington-Barnard Collection housed at University Museum includes instruments that were originally used to teach natural philosophy, or physics, to UM students as early as the 1850s. Throughout the four-day workshop, participants will have the opportunity to view the permanent collection at the museum during its regular hours. Learn more. Computer Science Professors Toy Around with Robots in Classroom History Professor Receives Fulbright for Study in China UM Announces Executive Director of Research Park Art Professor Sculpts Winning Idea into B.B. King Statue for Indianola UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER NEWS
UMC Legacy Continues Through Heart, Kidney Transplants Organ transplants at the University of Mississippi Medical Center are as much a part of the fabric of the institution as training tomorrow’s health professionals. After all, it was here that Dr. James Hardy, professor of surgery and first chairman of the department, performed the world’s first lung transplant and the world’s first heart transplant in man. That legacy lives on through the heart and kidney transplant services at UMC – the only center for transplants in the state of Mississippi. Because of Mississippi’s high incidence of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, heart and kidney diseases are prevalent. As a result, UMC has made a commitment to meeting the needs of Mississippians for heart and kidney transplants. With survival rates at the national level for both services, the institution is succeeding in its efforts. Learn more. Longtime Chief Information Officer "Shuts Down" after 29 Years UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI NEWS
Southern Miss Selects Honors College Dean A veteran journalism educator and administrator at The University of Southern Mississippi has been selected as the new dean of Southern Miss’ Honors College, following the completion of a national search for the position. Dr. David R. Davies, who currently serves as associate dean of the Southern Miss College of Arts and Letters and as professor and associate director of the School of Mass Communication and Journalism, will begin serving as dean Aug. 1. He will succeed Dr. Kenneth J. Panton, who is retiring from the university after serving as both dean of the Honors College and as professor in the Southern Miss Department of Geography and Geology. “We’re delighted to have Dr. Davies serve as dean of our Honors College,” said Southern Miss President Dr. Martha Saunders. “As a former honors dean, I am especially committed to providing top-level programming for the academically talented students enrolled in our honors curriculum, and I know Dr. Davies shares that commitment.” Davies joined the Southern Miss faculty in 1991. He is a graduate of the Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Reporting at Ohio State University, where he earned a master's degree in journalism. He also holds a master's degree in American history from Southern Miss and a Ph.D. in mass communication, specializing in media history, from the University of Alabama. Learn more. Southern Miss Power House Restaurant Receives 2007 Best Concept Award Mini-sessions Growing in Popularity at Southern Miss Faculty Artist's Work to be Showcased at Southern Miss Museum Kiplinger Touts Hattiesburg as Top College Town UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST NEWS
Southern Miss Promotes Faculty Member at Stennis The University of Southern Mississippi has promoted Dr. Laodong Guo to associate professor in the Department of Marine Science. Dr. Guo is a faculty member at the university’s Stennis teaching site and specializes in chemical oceanography. Learn more. ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS Alcorn State University Online www.alcorn.edu DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS
Mississippi Janice Wyatt Summer Arts Institute Performances Scheduled Delta State University and Bologna Performing Arts Center team up each year to offer a variety of artistic activities for youth during the summer through the Mississippi Janice Wyatt Summer Arts Institute (MSAI) that was established in 1998. Summer Arts offers opportunity in dance, theatre, and music, as well as the visual and literary arts. It also boasts a distinguished body of faculty with international recognition. MSAI serves participants 12-18 years of age who are interested in attending an arts-based summer camp. The Broadway Musical offers dedicated, talented young actors the opportunity to engage in professional, focused training for four intense weeks realizing their success in a first-class Broadway production. With a strong focus on teamwork, the program emphasizes personal growth through the acquisition of foundational skills in acting, scene study, voice, movement, and musicality. The Broadway Musical will be presented Friday, June 29, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, June 30, at 2:00 p.m. Admission is FREE to the public, so come and enjoy a night of the arts! This year’s Broadway musical production, Once on this Island, is a musical based on the novel by Rosa Guy, My Love, My Love . Learn more. DSU Athletics to Host Over 17 Camps this Summer 2007 Statesmen Football Season Tickets on Sale Now  June 18-July 1 - The fourth annual Oxford Shakespeare Festival presents two plays, Romeo and Juliet and As You Like It . Each of the total 21 performances will be held in University of Mississippi's Ford Center for the Performing Arts. For ticket information, call (662) 915-7411. Learn more. June 22 - Jackson State University's National Youth Sports Program will end the summer with Camp Tiger Tails at the Walter Payton Recreation and Wellness Center. For more information, call (601) 979-1368. Learn more. June 24 - The L-O-U Summer Sunset Series concludes with a performance by the Germantown Symphony Orchestra at 7 p.m. in the Grove at the University of Mississippi. Admission is free. Learn more. June 25 - 29 - Mississippi State University's department of food science, nutrition, and health promotion presents its first "fun with food" day camp. Third through sixth grade students will learn how food goes from the farm to the kitchen table. The camp includes many field trips and lessons from food professionals. Learn more. June 28 - Jackson State University will host an orientation for first time students who have been admitted to the university for first and second summer sessions. The orientation will begin at 8 a.m. at JSU's College of Business. For more information, call (601) 979-2127 or email patricia.s.taylor@jsums.edu . Learn more. July 12 - The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast will have an Issues + Answers lecture at 7 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Gulfport. The topic of this lecture is "Religion and Violence." The lecture is free and open to the public. July 28 - JSU will host "Get Ready 2008," an informational fair from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for prospective students. Interested participants should RSVP by July 20. For more information, call (601) 979-1383 or email latoya.boston@jsums.edu . Learn more. |