Alcorn and Southern Miss IEO Searches Progressing The IHL Board Search Committee for the next president of Alcorn State University (ASU), chaired by Board President Dr. D.E. Magee, Jr., met Thursday to discuss candidate recommendations from the ASU Search Advisory Committee and determine which candidates the Board would like to interview. In the next step of the process, representatives of the Search Advisory Committee, which is made up of individuals who represent various university and community constituent groups, will join the Board for formal candidate interviews. After the interviews are complete, the Board will invite the preferred candidate to the ASU campus for open, day-long interviews. Members of the ASU community, who participate in the interviews, will be given the opportunity to provide the Board their personal feedback on the preferred candidate. If the on-campus interview does not result in a new university president, the search will continue. In the search for the next president of the University of Southern Mississippi (USM), the USM Search Advisory Committee meets today with Executive Search Consultant Dr. Jan Greenwood of Greenwood & Associates, to review the committee’s leading prospects. From those leading prospects, the Search Advisory Committee will recommend no less than five candidates to the Board Search Committee, which is chaired by Trustee Robin Robinson. Dr. Greenwood will then meet with the USM Board Search Committee to review the names and determine who will be interviewed. As with the ASU search, representatives of the Search Advisory Committee will join the Board for the formal interviews, after which the preferred candidate will be invited to the Hattiesburg campus for open, day-long interviews. The goal is to have a decision made on both new presidents by early April. Keep up with both searches on the IHL Institutional Executive Officer Search website. | IHL Requests Endowment Partnership Trust Fund Securing the best and brightest faculty at Mississippi's public universities--and subsequently giving our students the best possible education--is the goal of behind IHL's proposed legislation to establish a $5 million Endowment Partnership Trust Fund. The trust fund would provide money that the universities would match with outside donations for endowing faculty positions and professorships. Similar trust funds in other states have been used to set in motion a positive chain reaction of events. The endowments allow universities to recruit, support, and retain eminent scholars. Such scholars in turn attract talented students and other faculty, which results in a stable, intellectually challenging and rewarding environment. These environments in turn stimulate research, which helps leverage state funding. Endowed faculty positions also enable universities to plan more effectively for the future by committing to promising areas of research, and to provide freedom for their academicians from the time-consuming job of seeking additional grants. If passed, the legislation will place limits on the dollar amounts provided for each endowed position and will require the System to report on the program to the legislature each year.
| Beth Flick, Mary Jane Covington, and Babs McAlpin man a booth at French Elementary "College and Career Day." Babs McAlpin asks students what they want to be when they grow up. | | IHL Attends French Elementary ‘College and Career Day’ Representatives of the IHL Office of Student Financial Aid attended a school-wide "College and Career Day" at French Elementary School in Jackson, Mississippi, last Friday, January 26. The group, which included Director of Student Financial Aid Mary Jane Covington and Program Administrators Beth Flick and Babs McAlpin, visited with students and helped them understand the career opportunities that would be available to them if they decided to go to college. They enjoyed asking the kindergarten through fifth grade students what they wanted to be when they grow up and handing out fun information about Mississippi's public universities. Some of the universities also had representatives at the fair. Throughout the day, students were able to see animals from the Jackson Zoo, board a trolley car, watch movers load a real moving van, see inside an ambulance, and stop, drop and roll in a burning house simulation provided by the Jackson Fire Department. The day was a success as children came to understand that it is never too early to start thinking about the future and the importance of going to college. | Blue Ribbon Committee for Teacher Preparation Hears from Louisiana Counterparts The Blue Ribbon Committee for the Redesign of Teacher Preparation (BRC) heard from their Lousiana counterparts in a meeting last Friday, January 26. Dr. Jeanne Burns, the Associate Commissioner for Teacher Education Initiatives for the Lousiana Board of Regents and Governor's Office shared with Mississippi educators, business/industry leaders, parents, and legislators the lessons Lousiana learned during its initiative to improve teacher quality. Louisiana was rated number one in the nation for its efforts to improve teacher quality by Education Week . Among other things, Burns highlighted Louisiana's four levels of effectiveness in its teacher preparation programs: effectiveness of planning, effectiveness of implementation, effectiveness of impact, and effectiveness of growth in student learning. The BRC, which is a joint initiative of IHL, the Mississippi Department of Education, the Mississippi Board of Community and Junior Colleges, the Governor's office, state legislators, and the Mississippi Economic Council, aims to increase the quality and quantity of teachers in Mississippi. During its next meeting on February 13, the BRC will hear from Dr. Charles Coble, a partner in North Carolina's The Third Mile Group and former vice president for policy programs and studies of the Education Commission of the States (ECS). For more information about the BRC, contact IHL Assistant Commissioner of Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Lynn House.
| IHL Has New, Easier URL – www.MISSISSIPPI.edu The executive office of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) is pleased to announce the location of its new home on the Internet. IHL can now be found at www.MISSISSIPPI.edu, an address that is much more intuitive and easier to remember. The previous address, www.ihl.state.ms.us, will continue to work. Visit IHL online for information about the Board of Trustees, the universities, financial aid information, statistical reports and other public information, and the latest news on Mississippi's public university system.
| |  Items included in the “University News” section of the System Review are submitted each week by the universities. The news items are listed in rotating alphabetical order by university. DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS Delta State to Host Mississippi Delta Women’s Leadership Conference Delta State University, in partnership with Viking Corporation, will play host to the highly anticipated Mississippi Delta Women’s Leadership Conference, Monday, February 26. A post-conference event will be held Tuesday, February 27, at The Alluvian Hotel in Greenwood. Set to a theme of “Life in Balance,” this year’s conference will both celebrate and explore “the balancing act” a woman’s life can be, as women today have more choices and opportunities than ever before. Keynoting the event will be Gail Sheehy, nationally-acclaimed, bestselling author of 15 books, including her most well-known selection, Passages, which stayed on The New York Times bestseller list for three years and has been reprinted in 28 languages. To register, please contact Special Projects at Delta State at (662) 846-4023 or visit the conference website.
Delta State Announces AD Search Committee Eyster to Round Out AD Search Committee Last Shoot Out at Delta State’s Whitfield Gymnasium Scheduled for February 13 JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS JSU Hosts Annual African American Read-In In celebration of Black History Month and African-American authors, Jackson State University’s (JSU) Department of English will host the 18th Annual National African American Read-In on Monday, February 5. Sponsored by the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English, the read-in chain will begin at 8 a.m. and run through 3 p.m. in Lecture Room 266 of the Dollye M.E. Robinson College of Liberal Arts Building on the main campus. “The objective is to get everybody reading African-American authors,” said Dr. Doris Ginn, coordinator and local host of the National African American Read-In initiative and an associate professor of English at JSU. “We want to empower students with literacy and an awareness of black history.” Started by the Black Caucus of NCTE and the Conference on College Composition and Communications in 1989, the annual read-in has been a successful initiative for schools, churches, libraries, bookstores and organizations. JSU STEM Students to Present Research at Symposium JSU’S MURC to Host Town Hall Meeting on Black HIV/AIDS MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS MSU Students to Participate in Korean Study Tour Thirty undergraduate and five graduate Mississippi State University (MSU) students will experience, at no cost, South Korean universities, high-technology companies, cultural activities, and other experiences associated with the East Asian country during a 10-day trip. The visit to South Korea is part of the university's Korean Study Tour. Their travel-and-learning opportunity was developed as the result of a November visit to the country by MSU President Robert H. "Doc" Foglesong and J.P. Shim, a professor of management information systems. February 16 is the final day to apply to participate. Applicants must have a grade-point average of 3.5 or higher and demonstrated leadership experience. A one-page essay also is required. Shim said selected students will have an opportunity to broaden their world perspective, gain firsthand insight into high-tech South Korean companies and more. He said the changing marketplace, which now requires businesses to consider global strategies and competition, practically forces students to think globally. He said the program should be of special interest to students with information technology interests and strong communication skills. "It's a great time to do this," said Shim, a South Korea native who has taught at MSU for 23 years. "We're really in a global I.T. society." Learn more. MSU Receives Major Grant from National Humane Society College Honorees Recognized by MSU Alumni Association MSU Engineering College Gains New Development Officer MSU Selects Aramark for Campus Food Service Operations MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN NEWS Adams and MUW Department of Nursing Win Big at Nightingale Awards Mississippi University for Women’s Department of Nursing and Dr. Sheila Adams, dean of the College of Nursing and Speech-Language Pathology, were each awarded exceptional honors during Monday night’s Nightingale Awards. The Department of Nursing received the coveted honor of School of Nursing of the Year in the state of Mississippi, while Adams was named School of Nursing Administrator of the Year for the state. Adams said, “We’re very honored to win the award. There were several outstanding nursing schools nominated for this award. The win speaks to the quality of the MUW nursing programs.” In order to win the award, the nursing program had to possess a number of reputable qualities, such as a pattern of excellent passage rates on the NCLEX-RN Exam, excellent accreditation status, outstanding student and alumni accomplishments, outstanding innovations in education and teaching and significant contributions to health care and to the nursing profession. Regarding her own win, Adams was initially without words. “I don’t know what to say,” she said, adding that it was an honor simply to be included with the “prestigious group of candidates” nominated. The School of Nursing Administrator of the Year Award recognizes the registered nurse who is responsible for the administration of a school of nursing or division within a school of nursing. The recipient of this award will have received positive evaluations from students and colleagues, have led the school to achieve significant accomplishments and have demonstrated an innovative leadership style. Learn more. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS Mississippi Valley State University Online www.mvsu.edu UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI NEWS Keynote Address by Angela Davis, Other Public Events to Mark Black History Month Former Black Panther party member Angela Davis visits the University of Mississippi Feb. 9 as the keynote speaker for Black History Month. The free, public lecture, “An Evening with Angela Davis,” begins at 7 p.m. in the Ford Center for the Performing Arts. Themed “History of Courage – Future of Opportunity,” Black History Month events include lectures, films, a gala, and conversations with civil rights leaders. “Students, faculty, staff, and community members need to capitalize on this opportunity to hear from someone that played such a prominent role in American history,” said Charles Ross, chair of the Department of African-American Studies. “Being able to ask questions and hearing her message should enable everyone who attends to come away with an entirely different perspective as to who Angela Davis really is as a person.” A member of the Communist Party USA, Davis continues to work for racial and gender equality and for prison abolition. She is one of the primary founders of Critical Resistance, a national, grassroots organization dedicated to building a movement to abolish what she perceives to be the prison-industrial complex. Read more. Ten Students Inducted into 2006-07 UM Hall of Fame Law Professor Rychlak to be Honored by U.S. Holocaust Museum Psychology Professor Receives International Award for Research Early Georgia O'Keeffe Oil Painting at University Museum through Feb. 22 UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER NEWS UMC Sleep Disorders, Pediatric Units Meet Physical, Psychiatric Needs The Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the University of Mississippi Medical Center boasts two of the premier centers in the region. The Sleep Disorders Center provides a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation of people who cannot obtain sufficient or unbroken sleep because of physical conditions that disrupt sleep, maintain appropriate alertness during waking hours, or maintain a normal sleep/wake schedule. The Blair E. Batson Child Psychiatry Inpatient Unit is a 12-bed acute unit especially equipped and staffed to meet the physical and psychiatric needs of children. Read more. Education Reimbursement Agreement Exchanges Medical Tuition for Service, Security UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI NEWS Southern Miss Teacher Education Program Ranked In Top Ten Nationally The University of Southern Mississippi’s teacher education program is rated in the top 10 in America by measure of scholarly output of faculty members. Academic Analytics’ findings were the subject of an article in the January 12 edition of The Chronicle of Higher Education. According to the article, the most recent index examines the productivity of 177,816 faculty members in 7,294 programs at 354 institutions. The Chronicle published data on the top 10 in 104 disciplines. Southern Miss was rated 10th in the Teacher Education and Professional Development category for faculty in its Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education. The indicators included publications, citations, number of grant awards, and total dollars of grant awards. “I believe this just demonstrates how productive our faculty is,” said Dr. Wanda Maulding, interim dean of the Southern Miss College of Education and Psychology. “They’re heavily invested in producing new knowledge through their research, and that’s reflected in this publication.” Academic Analytics provides one of several indices that measure programs at colleges and universities. In comparison to indices produced by the National Research Council and U.S. News and World Report, which include peer reviews, Academic Analytics ’ rankings are based strictly on quantitative data, Maulding said. Learn more. Education and Psychology Dean Steps Down Interior Design Students Set to Build Habitat for Humanity House in Hattiesburg Southern Miss Journalism Project Gets $10,000 to Support ‘After Katrina Newswire’ Historian Brinkley to Revisit Hurricane Katrina in Campus Lecture ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS Alcorn State University Awarded Patent for Agricultural Invention Four Alcorn State University scientists were recently awarded a U.S. patent for an agricultural invention. Drs. Michael O. Ezekwe (Animal Nutritionist), Samuel A. Besong (Animal/Human Nutritionist), Patrick E. Igbokwe (Horticulturist), and Mrs. Edith I. Ezekwe (Registered Dietician) discovered a non-pharmacological means for reducing cardiovascular disease risks by the use of a component of a vegetable crop, Waterleaf (Talinium triangulare). On November 28, 2006, Dr. Malvin Williams, Interim President of Alcorn State University, hosted a reception to honor the scientists. Mr. Shemmel of the Attorney General’s Office presented the award. Dr. Williams congratulated the scientists and said that this patent is the first one in the history of Alcorn State University. Alcorn Gospel Choir Performed at Boy Scout Festival  Jan. 22 - Mar. 10 - Delta State University’s Capps Archive & Museum currently has on display “History and Heritage of the Mississippi Delta Chinese.” A Delta bus trip is scheduled to How Joy’s in Greenville for the Chinese New Year, February 20. For more information, please call Emily Weaver at (662) 846-4780. Feb. 3 - Barnes & Noble at Mississippi State is hosting a meet and greet with various local authors who will be on hand to sign copies of their books. Learn more. Feb. 6 - The Delta State University Alumni Association will be hosting an alumni gathering in Nashville, Tennessee, at the Market Street Brewery at 7 p.m. For more information, please contact the DSU Alumni Association at (662) 846-4679. Learn more. Feb. 6 - The University of Mississippi spring Piano Series opens with a recital of works by Russian composers, including internationally acclaimed pianist Nikita Fitenko. Fitenko's 8 p.m. performance is the first recital in the recently renovated and reopened Nutt Auditorium in Scruggs Hall. Learn more. Feb. 6 - 7 - Mississippi State University will host the Soweto Gospel Choir from South Africa in performance at the MSU Riley Center in Meridian. Learn more. Feb. 7 - Mississippi State University’s Mitchell Memorial Library will host a workshop on Adobe Illustrator: Live Trace and Live Paint. Learn more information about this and view a full list of MSU library workshops. Learn more. Feb. 8 - The University of Southern Mississippi Jazz Lab Band will present a concert at 7:30 p.m. in Bennett Auditorium on the Southern Miss campus in Hattiesburg. For more information call (601) 266-4315. Feb. 8 - Mar. 9 - The University of Southern Mississippi Museum of Art will feature two simultaneous exhibitions of contemporary printmaking. The exhibitions are “Sprawl”, a collection of works by University of Northern Iowa professors Tim Dooley and Aaron Wilson and “Native Perspectives on the Trail: A Contemporary American Indian Art Portfolio,” featuring prints by 15 American Indian artists. Learn more. Feb. 12 - Award-winning poet Alan Shapiro, the University of Mississippi's John and Renee Grisham Visiting Writer, will read from his latest book at 7 p.m. at the Ole Miss-Oxford Depot. The free, public event is sponsored by the Department of English. Learn more. Feb. 14 - The University of Southern Mississippi Symphony Orchestra will present "Tango Valentino" for Valentine's Day in the Mannoni Performing Arts Center Auditorium. The symphony had to add a second concert at 9:30 p.m. since its first show at 7:30 p.m. is primarily sold out. "Tango Valentino" will feature dancers Percell R. St. Thomass, Alberto Paz, Valorie Hart and Shellie Hubbard. For tickets, call (601) 266-5418. Feb. 14 - The JSU/NASA Educator Resource Center will provide a workshop, "Educators' Introduction to Aerodynamics and FoilSim," for area teachers. The workshop demonstrates how math and physics teachers in grades 7-12 can use basic propulsion information, incorporated into interactive lessons, to enhance classroom instruction. Participants also will learn the reasons for different types of engines. Learn more. Feb. 17 - The University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Dentistry’s fourth annual McAlister’s Rush to Brush 5K Race is scheduled for 9 a.m., starting at the Norman C. Nelson Student Union and continuing through the UMC campus. The race benefits the Pediatric and Special Needs Dentistry Unit at the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children. View the registration form for more information. Feb. 20 - The University of Mississippi School of Engineering hosts a Trebuchet-Building/Tennis Ball Hurling contest for high school teams as part of Engineering Week activities. Registration deadline is Feb. 2. For more information, contact Maxine Woolsey at (662) 915-1849. Learn more. Feb. 25 - The Alcorn State University Gospel Choir will be the featured choir in this year's ecumenical services for the ASU National Alumni Annual Mid-Winter Conference at 8 a.m. at the Jackson-Marriott Downtown. Apr. 11 - 12 - Delta State University will present its Third Annual Research and Scholarship Symposium in the Henry J. Jacob Conference Center of James M. Ewing Hall on campus. For more information, contact John Green at (662) 846-4069 or (662) 846-4334. Also, you may visit the Faculty Research Committee website. |