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Higher Education Appreciation Day, Working for Academic Excellence
Sample Photos

Email your photo to headwae@ihl.state.ms.us.

Select a sample to view at full size.

PHOTOS: You must email a digital photo to HEADWAE at headwae@mississippi.edu. The photo should be a head shot, preferably grayscale, 2.5"x3.5" in size and 300dpi in resolution (750x1050). Some places on your campus that may be able to assist you with submitting a good photograph include the public relations office, the school newspaper office, and the art department. The following samples note the appropriate full size and proper cropping for your photograph. Business or professional attire is preferred for the photograph.

  • Head shot
  • Dimensions: 2.5"x3.5"
  • Black and white or grayscale
  • Resolution: 300dpi
  • Minimum Pixels: 750x1050

How to Check Your Photo Resolution

Checking the resolution on a PC:
  • To check a photo's resolution on a Windows PC, select the file you want to use. Right-click on the image and then select "Properties."
  • PC Example 1

  • A window will appear with the image's details. Go to the "Details" tab to see the image's dimensions and resolution.
  • PC Example 2

    Checking the resolution on a Mac:
  • Select the image you want to use and "Ctrl-click" on it. Click on "Get Info."
  • Mac Example 1

  • The image information window will open. You can find the image dimension and resolution under the "More Info" tab.
  • Mac Example 2

    Laura Mayer
    Assistant Commissioner for External Affairs
    Telephone: 601.432.6493